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'''Short description:''' The product contains a reprocessed multi year version of the daily composite dataset from SEAICE_GLO_SEAICE_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_011_006 covering the Sentinel1 years from autumn 2014 until 1 year before present '''DOI (product) :''' https://doi.org/10.48670/mds-00328
'''Short description:''' Arctic sea ice thickness from merged SMOS and Cryosat-2 (CS2) observations during freezing season between October and April. The SMOS mission provides L-band observations and the ice thickness-dependency of brightness temperature enables to estimate the sea-ice thickness for thin ice regimes. On the other hand, CS2 uses radar altimetry to measure the height of the ice surface above the water level, which can be converted into sea ice thickness assuming hydrostatic equilibrium. '''DOI (product) :''' https://doi.org/10.48670/moi-00125
'''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit https://marine.copernicus.eu '''Short description:''' Arctic sea ice thickness from merged SMOS and Cryosat-2 (CS2) observations during freezing season between October and April. The SMOS mission provides L-band observations and the ice thickness-dependency of brightness temperature enables to estimate the sea-ice thickness for thin ice regimes. On the other hand, CS2 uses radar altimetry to measure the height of the ice surface above the water level, which can be converted into sea ice thickness assuming hydrostatic equilibrium. '''DOI (product) :''' https://doi.org/10.48670/moi-00125
'''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit https://marine.copernicus.eu '''Short description:''' For the European Ocean, the L4 multi-sensor daily satellite product is a 2km horizontal resolution subskin sea surface temperature analysis. This SST analysis is run by Meteo France CMS and is built using the European Ocean L3S products originating from bias-corrected European Ocean L3C mono-sensor products at 0.02 degrees resolution. This analysis uses the analysis of the previous day at the same time as first guess field. '''DOI (product) :''' https://doi.org/10.48670/moi-00161
'''Short description:''' For the Global Ocean- Sea Surface Temperature L3 Observations . This product provides daily foundation sea surface temperature from multiple satellite sources. The data are intercalibrated. This product consists in a fusion of sea surface temperature observations from multiple satellite sensors, daily, over a 0.1° resolution global grid. It includes observations by polar orbiting (NOAA-18 & NOAAA-19/AVHRR, METOP-A/AVHRR, ENVISAT/AATSR, AQUA/AMSRE, TRMM/TMI) and geostationary (MSG/SEVIRI, GOES-11) satellites . The observations of each sensor are intercalibrated prior to merging using a bias correction based on a multi-sensor median reference correcting the large-scale cross-sensor biases.3 more datasets are available that only contain "per sensor type" data : Polar InfraRed (PIR), Polar MicroWave (PMW), Geostationary InfraRed (GIR) '''DOI (product) :''' https://doi.org/10.48670/moi-00164
'''Short description:''' The ESA SST CCI and C3S global Sea Surface Temperature Reprocessed product provides gap-free maps of daily average SST at 20 cm depth at 0.05deg. x 0.05deg. horizontal grid resolution, using satellite data from the (A)ATSRs, SLSTR and the AVHRR series of sensors (Merchant et al., 2019). The ESA SST CCI and C3S level 4 analyses were produced by running the Operational Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Analysis (OSTIA) system (Good et al., 2020) to provide a high resolution (1/20deg. - approx. 5km grid resolution) daily analysis of the daily average sea surface temperature (SST) at 20 cm depth for the global ocean. Only (A)ATSR, SLSTR and AVHRR satellite data processed by the ESA SST CCI and C3S projects were used, giving a stable product. It also uses reprocessed sea-ice concentration data from the EUMETSAT OSI-SAF (OSI-450 and OSI-430; Lavergne et al., 2019). '''DOI (product) :''' https://doi.org/10.48670/moi-00169
'''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit https://marine.copernicus.eu '''DEFINITION''' The ibi_omi_tempsal_sst_area_averaged_anomalies product for 2021 includes Sea Surface Temperature (SST) anomalies, given as monthly mean time series starting on 1993 and averaged over the Iberia-Biscay-Irish Seas. The IBI SST OMI is built from the CMEMS Reprocessed European North West Shelf Iberai-Biscay-Irish Seas (SST_MED_SST_L4_REP_OBSERVATIONS_010_026, see e.g. the OMI QUID, http://marine.copernicus.eu/documents/QUID/CMEMS-OMI-QUID-ATL-SST.pdf), which provided the SSTs used to compute the evolution of SST anomalies over the European North West Shelf Seas. This reprocessed product consists of daily (nighttime) interpolated 0.05° grid resolution SST maps over the European North West Shelf Iberai-Biscay-Irish Seas built from the ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) (Merchant et al., 2019) and Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) initiatives. Anomalies are computed against the 1993-2014 reference period. '''CONTEXT''' Sea surface temperature (SST) is a key climate variable since it deeply contributes in regulating climate and its variability (Deser et al., 2010). SST is then essential to monitor and characterise the state of the global climate system (GCOS 2010). Long-term SST variability, from interannual to (multi-)decadal timescales, provides insight into the slow variations/changes in SST, i.e. the temperature trend (e.g., Pezzulli et al., 2005). In addition, on shorter timescales, SST anomalies become an essential indicator for extreme events, as e.g. marine heatwaves (Hobday et al., 2018). '''CMEMS KEY FINDINGS''' The overall trend in the SST anomalies in this region is 0.011 ±0.001 °C/year over the period 1993-2021. '''DOI (product):''' https://doi.org/10.48670/moi-00256
'''Short description:''' For the European North West Shelf Ocean Iberia Biscay Irish Seas. The IFREMER Sea Surface Temperature reprocessed analysis aims at providing daily gap-free maps of sea surface temperature, referred as L4 product, at 0.05deg. x 0.05deg. horizontal resolution, over the 1982-present period, using satellite data from the European Space Agency Sea Surface Temperature Climate Change Initiative (ESA SST CCI) L3 products (1982-2016) and from the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) L3 product (2017-present). The gridded SST product is intended to represent a daily-mean SST field at 20 cm depth. '''DOI (product) :''' https://doi.org/10.48670/moi-00153
'''Short description:''' For the Atlantic European North West Shelf Ocean-European North West Shelf/Iberia Biscay Irish Seas. The ODYSSEA NW+IBI Sea Surface Temperature analysis aims at providing daily gap-free maps of sea surface temperature, referred as L4 product, at 0.02deg x 0.02deg horizontal resolution, using satellite data from both infra-red and micro-wave radiometers. It is the sea surface temperature operational nominal product for the Northwest Shelf Sea and Iberia Biscay Irish Seas. '''DOI (product) :''' https://doi.org/10.48670/moi-00152
'''Short description:''' For the Global Ocean- the OSTIA global foundation Sea Surface Temperature product provides daily gap-free maps of : Foundation Sea Surface Temperature at 0.05° x 0.05° horizontal grid resolution, using in-situ and satellite data from both infrared and microwave radiometers. The Operational Sea Surface Temperature and Ice Analysis (OSTIA) system is run by the UK's Met Office and delivered by IFREMER PU. OSTIA uses satellite data provided by the GHRSST project together with in-situ observations to determine the sea surface temperature. A high resolution (1/20° - approx. 6 km) daily analysis of sea surface temperature (SST) is produced for the global ocean and some lakes. '''DOI (product) :''' https://doi.org/10.48670/moi-00165