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The aim of these cruises, which took place on the Thalia, was to evaluate the abundance of the scallop stock in the Charentais channels.
ObsBio, the collection of individual biological parameters such as size, weight, sex, age are necessary data to know by elevation, the share of the populations in the recruitment of young fish, in the natural mortality and in the mortality by fishing
ICES database of trawl surveys
Flights over France’s metropolitan waters and border areas to observe seabirds, marine mammals, other species of megafauna in open water and human activity (floating waste), with the aim of producing an inventory of spatial distribution and species abundance, and to evaluate spatial and temporal variability. This part, complemented by other work in the PACOMM programme, provides information which is collated and used for designating and managing protected marine areas to meet requirements for community conservation and promotion of marine areas (Natura 2000, MSFD, local and regional maritime conventions, etc.).
Species distribution models (GAM, Maxent and Random Forest ensemble) predicting the distribution of Solitary Scleractinian fields assemblage in the Celtic Sea. This community is considered ecologically coherent according to the cluster analysis conducted by Parry et al. (2015) on image sample. Modelling its distribution complements existing work on their definition and offers a representation of the extent of the areas of the north-east Atlantic where they can occur based on the best available knowledge. This work was performed at the University of Plymouth in 2021.
Species distribution models (GAM, Maxent and Random Forest ensemble) predicting the distribution of Solenosmilia variabilis reef assemblage in the Celtic Sea. This community is considered ecologically coherent according to the cluster analysis conducted by Parry et al. (2015) on image sample. Modelling its distribution complements existing work on their definition and offers a representation of the extent of the areas of the North East Atlantic where they can occur based on the best available knowledge. This work was performed at the University of Plymouth in 2021.
The gear repository of the Fisheries Information System includes, on the one hand, the FAO fishing gears enriched with national specificities and, on the other hand, the sampling gears used during the fisheries surveys conducted by Ifremer and its partners.
Species distribution models (GAM, Maxent and Random Forest ensemble) predicting the distribution of Acanella arbuscula assemblage in the Celtic Sea. This community is considered ecologically coherent according to the cluster analysis conducted by Parry et al. (2015) on image sample. Modelling its distribution complements existing work on their definition and offers a representation of the extent of the areas of the North East Atlantic where they can occur based on the best available knowledge. This work was performed at the University of Plymouth in 2021.
The observation of the increase in Carbon Dioxide (CO2) content in the atmosphere certainly significantly influenced the emergence of questioning, on the part of both the scientific community and society as a whole, when faced with global and regional climate changes. Within this context, measuring CO2 flow between the ocean and the atmosphere has become a priority for the oceanographic community. This flow has been found to be highly variable in, in both spatial and temporal terms. This means that flows can be measured independently of oceanographic campaigns. Systems have been developed to be used on ships of opportunity or on Lagrangian or Eulerian tracers. The CARIOCA buoy is automated and designed to measure CO2 concentration at the surface of the ocean in order to qualify the exchanges between the atmosphere and the ocean. The buoy can be either drifting or fixed. It is 2m high and includes : • 1 salinometer • 1 fluorometer • 1 CO2 sensor • 1 anemometer • 2 temperature sensors (air and sea) It is also equipped with an ARGOS transition module and an electric supply module which powers the buoy for year, taking measurements every hour.