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to deliver maps showing the extent of the trawling fishing grounds for identifying the changes in level of disturbance over the past ten years and identifying the gaps of fishing vessels’ tracking systems in the Mediterranean Sea
This tool will visualise data collected during surveys and research cruises with the RV Cefas Endeavour focusing on chlorophyll a and phytoplankton functional types. It will make the link between the in-situ measurement and the Earth Observation and modelling and will develop the combined data set approach for the descriptors 1, 4, and 5 for MSFD. Primarily, developed in R shiny, with a tab for exploring each dataset, and a front page where datasets can be visualised concurrently, the tool will propose products using the outputs from the different approaches and will be included in the products and services Cefas portfolio.
Based on the consolidation of the Ifremer networks RESCO (https://doi.org/10.17882/53007) and VELYGER (https://doi.org/10.17882/41888), the general objective of the ECOSCOPA project is to analyze the causes of spatio-temporal variability of the main life traits (Larval stage - Recruitment - Reproduction - Growth – Survival – Cytogenetic anomalies) of the Pacific oyster in France and follow their evolution over the long term in the context of climate change. The high frequency environmental data are monitored since 2010 at several stations next to oyster farm areas in eight bays of the French coast (from south to north): Thau Lagoon and bays of Arcachon, Marennes Oléron, Bourgneuf, Vilaine, Brest, Mont Saint-Michel and Veys (see map below). Sea temperature and practical salinity are recorded at 15-mins frequency. For several sites, fluorescence and turbidity data are also available. Data are acquired with automatic probes directly put in oyster bags or fixed on metallic structure at 50 cm over the sediment bottom, except for Thau Lagoon whose probes are deployed at 2m below sea surface. Since 2010, several types of probes were used: STP2, STPS, SMATCH or WiSens CTD from NKE (www.nke-instrumentation.fr) and recently ECO FLNTU (www.seabird.com). The probes are regularly qualified by calibrations in the Ifremer coastal laboratories. Precision estimated of the complete data collection process is: temperature (±0.1°C), salinity (±0.5psu), in vivo fluorescence (±10%), turbidity (±10%). The data are qualified into several levels: 0-No Quality Check performed, 1-Good data, 2-Probably good data, 3-Probably bad data, 4-Bad data, 5-Value changed, 7-Nominal value, 8-Interpolated value, 9-Missing value.
Map the occurrence of ice at 1-degree resolution over different periods of the last century (1915-2014, 1965-2014, 2005-2014, 2009-2014). For each entire period (100, 50, 10, 5 years) find and map all cells of the 1 degree grid that experience ice conditions in at least 1 month.
DCSMM2024_D1C1 Taux de mortalité par captures accidentelles dans l’ensemble des sous-régions marines