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This dataset represents the regions for levels 1, 2 and 3 of the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) for 2016. The NUTS nomenclature is a hierarchical classification of statistical regions and subdivides the EU economic territory into regions of four different levels (NUTS , 1, 2 and 3, moving respectively from larger to smaller territorial units). NUTS 1 is the most aggregated level. An additional Country level (NUTS 0) is also available for countries where the the nation at statistical level does not coincide with the administrative boundaries. For example Mt Athos in Greece and Mellum and Minsener Ogg in Germany. The NUTS classification has been officially established through Regulation (EC) No 2016/2066 of the European Parliament and of the Council and its amendments. A non-official NUTS-like classification has been defined for the EFTA countries and candidate countries. An introduction to the NUTS classification is available here: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/nuts/overview. This dataset has been created mainly from the EuroBoundary Map v 12 (Eurogeographics) and geographic information from TurkStat for Turkey. The public dataset is available under the Download link indicated below. Available scales are 1M, 3M, 10M, 20M, 60M). The full dataset is available via the EC restricted download link under GISCO.NUTS_2016. Here six scale ranges (100K, 1M, 3M, 10M and 20M, 60M) are available. Coverage is the economic territory of the EU, EFTA countries and candidate countries as in 2013.
Definition of Classified Shellfish Farming Areas. Boundaries are defined by prefectural classification decrees provided to the International Office for Water (OIEau) by the Departmental Offices for Maritime affairs (DDAM) Annual Layer created by OIEau.
Délimitations des zones classées conchylicoles. Les délimitations sont définies par les arrêtés préfectoraux de classement, fournis par les Directions Départementales des Affaires Maritimes (DDAM) à l'OIEau. Couche créée par l'OIEau. Couche de référence corrigée en 2012 par la coordination du REMI.