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The datasets on subsea telecommunication and power cables (actual routes) in the EU was created in 2014 by Cogea for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is the result of the aggregation and harmonization of datasets provided by several sources. It is updated every year and is available for viewing and download on EMODnet Human Activities web portal ( The datasets contain lines representing actual cable routes locations. Compared with the previous version, this version includes an update of the French telecommunication cables, the telecommunication cables that originate from or pass through Spanish (Andalucia) and Dutch waters, and the electric cables that originate from or pass through French, Dutch and Norwegian waters.
Gestion de la taxe de séjour des Établissements Touristiques aux réels (montant/suivi déclaration/suivi facturation) à l'échelle des communautés de communes.
Specification of the desirable and recommended product attributes for generating spatial layers of sea-level trend (units: mm/year) from tide gauges over periods of 50 years (1963-2012) and 100 years (1913-2012), to characterize and assess average annual sea-level rise at the coast.
Combination of bathymetry, light, MPAs, Natura sites, seagrass distributions, Coralligenous formations, Mediterranean Cetaceans, Marine caves, Transitional water bodies
Calculation of the average annual sediment balance per stretch of coast for the past 50 years for all coastal zones bordering the North Atlantic Ocean. For this scale of study, this has been interpreted in terms of shoreline advance / retreat in mm/year. Required data sources are therefore national or international datasets giving this parameter directly. It is also possible to utilise more aggregated data sources, but annual values would then be approximated from them. The main challenge in producing this product lies with obtaining datasets which include this data from multiple countries and potentially multiple languages, since this data is usually produced as a result of comparatively small scale studies.
Gestion de la taxe de séjour des Etablissements Touristiques aux forfaits (Montant/suivi déclaration/suivi facturation) à l'échelle des communautés de communes.