/Etat du Milieu/Habitats
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Output of the 2019 EUSeaMap broad-scale predictive model, produced by EMODnet Seabed Habitats. The extent of the mapped area includes the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Baltic Sea, and areas of the North Eastern Atlantic extending from the Canary Islands in the south to the Barents Sea in the north. The map was produced using a "top-down" modelling approach using classified habitat descriptors to determine a final output habitat. Habitat descriptors differ per region but include: Biological zone Energy class Oxygen regime Salinity regime Seabed substrate Riverine input Habitat descriptors (excepting Substrate) are calculated using underlying physical data and thresholds derived from statistical analyses or expert judgement on known conditions. The model is produced using R and Arc Model Builder (10.1). The model was created using raster input layers with a cell size of 0.00104dd (roughly 100 metres). The model includes the sublittoral zone only; due to the high variability of the littoral zone, a lack of detailed substrate data and the resolution of the model, it is difficult to predict littoral habitats at this scale. This map follows the EUNIS 2007-11 classification system where it is appropriate. It has also been classified according to MSFD Benthic Broad Habitat types. This report details the methods used in the previous version (v2016) - a new report is in progress: Populus J. And Vasquez M. (Eds), 2017. EUSeaMap, a European broad-scale seabed habitat map. Ifremer Available from: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00388/49975/
This metadata corresponds to the EUNIS Coastal habitat types, predicted distribution of habitat suitability dataset. Coastal habitats are those above spring high tide limit (or above mean water level in non-tidal waters) occupying coastal features and characterised by their proximity to the sea, including coastal dunes and wooded coastal dunes, beaches and cliffs. Includes free-draining supralittoral habitats adjacent to marine habitats which are normally only very rarely subject to any type of salt water, in as much as they may be inhabited predominantly by terrestrial species, strandlines characterised by terrestrial invertebrates and moist and wet coastal dune slacks and dune-slack pools. Supralittoral sands and wracks may be found also in marine habitats (M). Excludes supralittoral rock pools and habitats, the splash zone immediately above the the mean water line, as well the spray zone and zone subject to sporadic inundation with salt water in as much as it may be inhabited predominantly by marine species, which are included in marine (M). The modelled suitability for EUNIS coastal habitat types is an indication of where conditions are favourable for the habitat type based on sample plot data (Braun-Blanquet database) and the Maxent software package. The modelled suitability map may be used as a proxy for the geographical distribution of the habitat type. Note however that it is not representing the actual distribution of the habitat type. As predictors for the suitability modelling not only climate and soil parameters have been taken into account, but also so-called RS-EVB's, Remote Sensing-enabled Essential Biodiversity Variables, like land use, vegetation height, phenology, and LAI (Leaf Area Index). Because the EBV's are restricted by the extent of the remote sensing data (EEA38 countries and the United Kingdom) the modelling result does also not go beyond this boundary. The dataset is provided both in Geodatabase and Geopackage formats.
This metadata corresponds to the EUNIS Littoral biogenic habitat (salt marshes) types, predicted distribution of habitat suitability dataset. Littoral habitats are those formed by animals such as worms and mussels or plants (salt marshes). The verified littoral biogenic habitat samples used are derived from the Braun-Blanquet database (http://www.sci.muni.cz/botany/vegsci/braun_blanquet.php?lang=en) which is a centralised database of vegetation plots and comprises copies of national and regional databases using a unified taxonomic reference database. The geographic extent of the distribution data are all European countries except Armenia and Azerbaijan. The modelled suitability for EUNIS saltmarsh habitat types is an indication of where conditions are favourable for the habitat type based on sample plot data (Braun-Blanquet database) and the Maxent software package. The modelled suitability map may be used as a proxy for the geographical distribution of the habitat type. However, note that it is not representing the actual distribution of the habitat type. As predictors for the suitabilty modelling not only Climate and Soil parameters have been taken into account, but also so-called RS-EVB's, Remote Sensing-enabled Essential Biodiversity Variables like Landuse, Vegetation height, Phenology, LAI(Leave Area Index) and Population density. Because the EBV's are restricted by the extent of the Remote Sensing data (EEA38 countries and the United Kingdom) the modelling result does also not go beyond this boundary. The dataset is provided both in Geodatabase and Geopackage formats. The Training map files show the modelled suitable distribution, omitting the 10% of occurrence records in the least suitable environment under the assumption that they are not representative of the overall suitable habitat distribution. The 10 percentile training presence is an arbitrary threshold which omits all regions with habitat suitability lower than the suitability values for the lowest 10% of occurrence records.
This metadata corresponds to the EUNIS Coastal habitat types, distribution based on vegetation plot data dataset. Coastal habitats are those above spring high tide limit (or above mean water level in non-tidal waters) occupying coastal features and characterised by their proximity to the sea, including coastal dunes and wooded coastal dunes, beaches and cliffs. Includes free-draining supralittoral habitats adjacent to marine habitats which are normally only very rarely subject to any type of salt water, in as much as they may be inhabited predominantly by terrestrial species, strandlines characterised by terrestrial invertebrates and moist and wet coastal dune slacks and dune-slack pools. Supralittoral sands and wracks may be found also in marine habitats (M). Excludes supralittoral rock pools and habitats, the splash zone immediately above the the mean water line, as well the spray zone and zone subject to sporadic inundation with salt water in as much as it may be inhabited predominantly by marine species, which are included in marine (M). The verified coastal habitat samples used are derived from the Braun-Blanquet database (http://www.sci.muni.cz/botany/vegsci/braun_blanquet.php?lang=en) which is a centralised database of vegetation plots and comprises copies of national and regional databases using a unified taxonomic reference database. The geographic extent of the distribution data are all European countries except Armenia and Azerbaijan. The dataset is provided both in Geodatabase and Geopackage formats.
This metadata describes the ICES data on the temporal development of the Lusitanina/Boreal species ratio in the periode from 1965 to 2016. Key message: The ratio between the number of Lusitanian (warm-favouring) and Boreal (cool-favouring) species are significantly increasing in 6 of the Northern division whereas there is no significant changes in all the (Southern) other divisions. Blue dots indicates L/A ratios below 1 Yellow dots indicates L/B ratios >=1 and <2 Red dots indicates L/B ratios >=2 The dataset is derived from the ICES data portal 'DATRAS' (the Database of Trawl Surweys). DATRAS is an online database of trawl surveys with access to standard data products. DATRAS stores data collected primarily from bottom trawl fish surveys coordinated by ICES expert groups. The survey data are covering the Baltic Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat, North Sea, English Channel, Celtic Sea, Irish Sea, Bay of Biscay and the eastern Atlantic from the Shetlands to Gibraltar. At present, there are more than 45 years of continuous time series data in DATRAS, and survey data are continuously updated by national institutions. The dataset has been used in the EEA Indicator "Changes in fish distribution in European seas" https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/fish-distribution-shifts/assessment-1. The dataset has been used for this static map: https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/figures/temporal-development-of-the-lusitanina included in the "Marine messages II - Navigating the course towards clean, healthy and productive seas through implementation of an ecosystem‑based approach" (EEA Report No 17/2019) https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/marine-messages-2
The data set aims to contribute to a better biological characterization of European marine ecosystems. As such it represents probabilities of EUNIS (EUropean Nature Information System) habitat presence at Level 3 for marine habitats including information on sea ice coverage (this corresponds to EUNIS level 2 for terrestrial habitats). The map combines spatially explicit data on marine bathymetry and sea-bed with non-spatially referenced habitat information of the EUNIS classification. The objective of the data set produced by EEA and its Topic Centre ETC/ULS is to improve the biological description of marine based ecosystem types and their spatial distribution. The work supports Target 2 Action 5 of the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020, established to achieve the Aichi targets of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD). It further addresses the MAES process (Mapping and Assessing of Ecosystems and their Services). The data set represents 2 classes of the MAES classification level 3, namely “Marine inlets and transitional waters” and “Marine”. The dataset comprises the following information: • Sea region (1 – Arctic, 2 – Atlantic, 3 – Baltic, 4 – Mediterranean, 5 – Black Sea) • Sea zone (1 – Littoral, 2 – Infralittoral, 3 – Circalittoral, 4 – Offshore circalittoral, 5 – Upper bathyal, 6 – Lower bathyal, 7 – Abyssal,8 - Coastal Lagoons, 9 - Coastal Lagoons) • Substrate (0 – undetermined substrate, 1 – rock and biogenic, 3 – coarse sediment, 4 – mixed sediment, 5 – sand, 6 – mud) • Sea ice coverage (0 – no sea ice presence, 1 – seasonal sea ice presence, 2 – perennial sea ice presence)
This metadata corresponds to the EUNIS Littoral biogenic habitat types (salt marshes), distribution based on vegetation plot data dataset. Littoral biogenic habitats (commonly known as salt marshes) are formed by animals such as worms and mussels or plants. The verified saltmarsh habitat samples used are derived from the Braun-Blanquet database (http://www.sci.muni.cz/botany/vegsci/braun_blanquet.php?lang=en) which is a centralised database of vegetation plots and comprises copies of national and regional databases using a unified taxonomic reference database. The geographic extent of the distribution data are all European countries except Armenia and Azerbaijan. The dataset is provided both in Geodatabase and Geopackage formats.
All Member States are requested by the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) to monitor habitat types and species listed in its annexes and send a report every 6 years following an agreed format. The assessment of conservation status is based on information about the status and trends of species populations and of habitats at the level of the biogeographical or marine region. The spatial dataset contains habitat and species distribution data (10km grid cells) as reported by EU 27 (2007-2013) Member States for the 2007-2012 period. This metadata refers to the public dataset, without sensitive species. The data sets are divided in two sets for species and two sets for habitat types. Habitats: Art17_habitats_distribution_2007_2012_EU (distribution by European Union aggregate) Art17_habitats_distribution_2007_2012_MS (distribution by Member State) Species: Art17_species_distribution_2007_2012_EU (distribution by European Union aggregate) Art17_species_distribution_2007_2012_MS (distribution by Member State) Furthermore, a series of tables are also provided with the assessments of conservation status of species and habitats at Member State biogeographical level (done by Member States) and at EU biogeographical level (done by the ETC/BD and the EEA). Both MS datasets are aggregated by habitat/species code, country and biogeographical /marine region [COMSRE]. Using this attribute [COMSRE] the tabular conservation status, which is available in the table, per biogeographical/marine region of the Member State level (MS) can be joined directly to the spatial dataset. Both EU datasets are aggregated by habitat/species code and biogeographical /marine region [CORE]. Using this attribute [CORE] the tabular conservation status, which is available in the table, of the biogeographical/marine region of the EU-27 (2007-2013) level (EU) can be directly joined to the spatial dataset. NOTE: The original datasets have been reviewed and re-published in February 2021, including delayed deliveries from Greece.
The dataset presents the potential combined effects of land-based pressures on marine species and habitats estimated using the method for assessment of cumulative effects, for the entire suite of pressures and a selected set of marine species groups and habitats by an index (Halpern et al. 2008). The spatial assessment of combined effects of multiple pressures informs of the risks of human activities on the marine ecosystem health. The methodology builds on the spatial layers of pressures and ecosystem components and on an estimate of ecosystem sensitivity through an expert questionnaire. The raster dataset consists of a division of the Europe's seas in 10km and 100 km grid cells, which values represents the combined effects index values for pressures caused by land-based human activities. The relative values indicate areas where the pressures potentially affect the marine ecosystem. This dataset underpins the findings and cartographic representations published in the report "Marine Messages" (EEA, 2020).
The dataset presents the potential combined effects of sea-based pressures on marine species and habitats estimated using the method for assessment of cumulative effects, for the entire suite of pressures and a selected set of marine species groups and habitats by an index (Halpern et al. 2008). The spatial assessment of combined effects of multiple pressures informs of the risks of human activities on the marine ecosystem health. The methodology builds on the spatial layers of pressures and ecosystem components and on an estimate of ecosystem sensitivity through an expert questionnaire. The raster dataset consists of a division of the Europe's seas in 10km and 100 km grid cells, which values represents the combined effects index values for pressures caused by sea-based human activities. The relative values indicate areas where the pressures potentially affect the marine ecosystem. This dataset underpins the findings and cartographic representations published in the report "Marine Messages" (EEA, 2020).