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  • The objective of the COME3T project were: • To provide elements of expertise, synthesis and recommendations on the identification of environmental priority issues for the ORE through the establishment of a lead neutral experts committee. • To install a French and unique network of experts that can be consulted by all ORE stakeholders.

  • In response to the issues identified by the sector and the questions raised by citizens concerning the environmental integration of marine renewable energies in France, the COME3T approach aims to provide elements of expertise, synthesis and recommendations based on a national network of experts. 6 experts contributed to this bulletin on dangerous waves and their characteristics: tsunamis, rogue waves and impact waves. The study of worst-case scenarios corresponding to the most unfavourable conditions possible allowed the experts involved to establish that no environmental issues were identified in response to the question: can fixed-foundation offshore wind farms generate dangerous waves?

  • In response to the issues identified by the sector and the questions raised by citizens concerning the environmental integration of marine renewable energies in France, the COME3T approach aims to provide elements of expertise, synthesis and recommendations based on a national network of experts. The 5 experts mobilised for this bulletin described the different existing monitoring methods that can be used to assess the impacts of offshore wind farms on marine mammals during the operational period.

  • In response to the issues identified by the sector and the questions raised by citizens concerning the environmental integration of marine renewable energies in France, the COME3T approach aims to provide elements of expertise, synthesis and recommendations based on a national network of experts. In this bulletin, 6 experts contributed to defining the different phenomena that could facilitate the spread of non-indigenous species following the development of offshore wind farms. Several recommendations have been issued to limit the impact on marine ecosystems of the relay effect, ballast water release and the storage of offshore infrastructure in ports.

  • In response to the issues identified by the sector and the questions raised by citizens concerning the environmental integration of marine renewable energies in France, the COME3T approach aims to provide elements of expertise, synthesis and recommendations based on a national network of experts. In this bulletin, 3 experts have worked together to define the reef effect and its consequences on fish populations and all mobile species.