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This deliverable presents the main components of the final and most important result of the project, namely the integrated suite of design tools for ocean energy systems innovation, development and deployment. The toolset includes: installer, catalogues, online documentation and example test cases.
This document collects the main guidelines, standards and procedures applicable to the implementation of the tools and modules in the DTOcean+ suite.
This report documents the outcome of the verification of the assessment design tools. The goal of the verification task was to ensure that the tools: respond correctly to a varied set of inputs; perform their functions in an acceptable time and reasonable use of computational resource; are adequate in terms of usability; and, are verified against control data. The following actions were completed for all tools as part of the verification and are described in detail in this report: definition of the verification cases and evaluation criteria; organisation of training sessions for partners; collection of data for each verification case; running the verification cases by partners; analysis of the results based on quantitative and qualitative assessments, creation of a task list of changes that could improve the tool and their performance.
This report is the outcome of an analysis of potential markets for ocean energy technology. The aim was to develop a greater understanding of the potential markets for the deployment and the exploitation of these technologies. The focus includes both the present market status and future opportunities for commercialisation of both grid and non-grid applications.
Cost reductions in nascent forms of Renewable Energy Technology (RET) are essential for them to contribute to the energy mix. Policy intervention can facilitate this cost reduction; however, this may require a significant investment from the public sector. These cost reductions fall into two broad categories: (1) incremental cost reductions through continual improvements to existing technologies, and (2) radical innovation where technologies that significantly differ from the incumbents are developed. This study presents a modelling methodology to integrate radical innovation in RET experience curve and learning investment analysis, using wave energy as an example nascent RET. This aims to quantify the potential effects of radical innovation on the learning investment, allowing the value of successful innovation to be better analysed. The study highlights the value offered by radical innovations in long-term deployment scenarios for wave energy. This suggests that high-risk R&D efforts in nascent RET sectors, even with low success rates, could still present significant expected value in offsetting future revenue support.
This document serves as the technical manual of the alpha version of the energy transformation module. It includes all the data requirements, main functions, interfaces and all the pertinent technical details describing the alpha version of the module for the energy transformation of an array of wave energy converters or tidal energy converters.
This report collates the materials used throughout the DTOceanPlus project on knowledge exchange and training.
This document aimed at developing a comprehensive communication plan developed at the beginning of the project in accordance with the overall project management. This plan was an evolving document built on a targeted communication of the DTOceanPluq project results and capitalization on the community. It is the reference framework for evaluating the impact of communication and dissemination activities.
The Structured Innovation (SI) design tool forms part of the DTOceanPlus suite of second-generation open source design tools for ocean energy. The SI tool comprises innovation methodologies which can enhance concept creation and selection in ocean energy systems (including sub-systems, energy capture devices and arrays), enabling a structured approach to address complex ocean energy engineering challenges where design options are numerous, and thus it can facilitate efficient evolution from concept to commercialisation.
This document is the second annual report on dissemination and communication activities regarding DTOceanPlus project.