
BioGeoChemical-Argo floats

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  • This dataset contains bio-optical measurements and environmental parameters associated with  Deep Chlorophyll Maxima acquired by BGC-Argo profiling floats and matched with mesoscale eddies location from the Ocean Eddy Detection and Tracking Algorithms (TOEeddies) Atlas. For each BGC-Argo profile the data files includes the World Meteorological Organistion (WMO) and profile numbers, geographical position (LON and LAT), the date of the profile in Julian Day (JULD); the qualification of the vertical profile (CARAC_BIO) as Deep Biomass Maximum (DBM), Deep photoAcclimation Maximum (DAM), or presenting no DCM (NO); at the depth of the maximum (DCM_DEPTH), the chlorophyll a concentration (CHLA_DCM, mg chla m-3 ) and the backscattering coefficient (BBP_DCM, m-1); the Mixed Layer Depth (MLD, m), the nitracline depth (NCLINE, m), the mean daily Available PAR in the Mixed Layer Depth (MIPAR_MLD, E m -1 d -1), the daily Available PAR at the nitracline depth (IPAR_NCLINE, E m-2 d-1); the location of the profile (CARAC_EDDY) as being inside the core/periphery (IN/_EN) of a cyclonic/anticyclonic eddy (DEP_/P_), or outside eddy influence (OUT); the processing level (MODE) of the ADT maps used for the TOEddies detection, either Near Real Time (-1), or Delayed Mode (1). The qualification and processing of the BGC-Argo profiles, as well as the DCM detection (DAM/DBM/NO) and the estimation of the environmental parameters, were applied as described from Cornec, M., Claustre, H., Mignot, A., Guidi, L., Lacour, L., Poteau, A., D'Ortenzio, F., Gentili, B., Schmechtig, C.  (2021). Deep chlorophyll maxima in the global ocean: Occurrences, drivers and characteristics. Global Biogeochem Cycles 35. Data relative to mesoscale eddies were produced by processing daily 0.25°x0.25° AVISO Absolute Dynamical Topography (maps produced by Ssalto/Duacs and distributed by Copernicus-Marine Environment Services) with the TOEddies algorithm (Laxenaire, R., Speich, S., Blanke, B., Chaigneau, A., Pegliasco, C., & Stegner, A. (2018). Anticyclonic Eddies Connecting the Western Boundaries of Indian and Atlantic Oceans. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123(11), 7651–7677.

  • This dataset contains bio-optical measurements from BioGeoChemical-Argo (BGC-Argo) profiling floats complemented with ocean-colour satellite matchups of variables related to the detection of coccolithophore blooms dominated by Emiliania huxleyi. BGC-Argo float data cover the global ocean from November 2012 to December 2018 and include measurements of the particulate backscattering coefficient (BBP_float in m-1), the concentration of Chlorophyll-a (CHLA_float in mg m-3), and the particulate beam attenuation coefficient (CP_float in m-1) with data processing and quality control described in the manuscript entitled “Detection of coccolithophore blooms with BioGeoChemical-Argo floats” submitted to Geophysical Research Letters. The data represent near-surface ocean conditions, calculated as the average value in the top 15m of the water column. Daily ocean-colour satellite data were downloaded from the GlobColour project ( with a spatial resolution of 4km and matched with every BGC-Argo float observation by using a 5x5 pixel box and a 9-day temporal window. For each float observation, we extracted concurrent satellite data of the concentrations of Particulate Inorganic Carbon (PIC_sat in mmol m-3) and Particulate Organic Carbon (POC_sat in mmol m-3), from which we derived the proportion of PIC_sat to the total particulate carbon concentration (PIC_POC_sat in % and defined as PIC_sat / [PIC_sat+POC_sat]). Coccolithophore bloom periods were identified using annual times series of PIC_sat and PIC_POC_sat at each profile location as described in the submitted manuscript, and the column “inside_coccolithophore_bloom” reports the float observations occurring inside such blooms.

  • The dataset dcm_dtb.txt contains bio-optical measurements and environmental parameters associated with  Deep Chlorophyll Maxima (DCM) acquired by BGC-Argo profiling floats. For each BGC-Argo profile the data files includes the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and profile numbers, the Data Assembly Center (DAC), the geographical position (LON and LAT), the date of the profile in Julian Day (JULD) and in YYYY-MM-DD format; the region of the profile (REGION, acronyms detailed in the region.txt file), the DCM zonal attribution (ZONE, acronyms detailed in the zone.txt file), the vertical resolution of measurements of the concentration of the chlorophyll a [Chla] and of the backscattering coefficient (bbp) within the 250 first meters, the Mixed Layer Depth (MLD, m), the qualification of the vertical profile (DCM_TYPE) as Deep Biomass Maximum (3), Deep photoAcclimation Maximum (2), or presenting no DCM (1); the depth of the DCM (DCM_DEPTH); the chlorophyll a concentration (CHLA_DCM, mg chla m-3 ) the backscattering coefficient (BBP_DCM, m-1), and the Brunt-Vaisala frequency (N2_DCM) at the DCM depth; the nitracline depth (NCLINE_DEPTH, m) and steepness (NCLINE_STEEP, µmol NO3 m-3 m-1), the mean nitrate concentration within the Mixed Layer (NO3_MEAN_MLD, µmol NO3 m-3), the mean daily Photosynthetically Available Radiation in the Mixed Layer (MEAN_IPAR_MLD, E m -1 d -1), the daily Photosynthetically Available Radiation at the nitracline depth (IPAR_NCLINE, E m-2 d-1);  and the [Chla] measured by satellite (CHLA_SAT, mg chla m-3). The dataset shape_NASTG_ASEW.txt contains the seasonal median, the first and third quartiles of the [Chla] and of the bbp profiles for the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre and Atlantic SubEquatorial Waters regions. The dataset climato_NASTG_ASEW.txt contains the monthly mean and standard deviations of the DCM depth (DCM_depth), the isolume depth of daily Photosynthetically Available Radiation of 20 E m-2 d-1 (iPAR_20), the nitracline depth, and the Mixed Layer Depth (MLD) for the profiles within the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre and Atlantic SubEquatorial Waters regions.  The qualification and processing of the BGC-Argo profiles, as well as the DCM detection (DCM_TYPE) and the estimation of the environmental parameters, were applied as described from Cornec, M., Claustre, H., Mignot, A., Guidi, L., Lacour, L., Poteau, A., D’Ortenzio, F.,Gentili, B., Schmechtig, C., (to be updated.) Deep Chlorophyll Maxima in the global ocean: occurrences, drivers and characteristics. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, to be updated The [Chla] satellite variable was obtained by the match of each BGC-Argo profile with a L3S [Chla] product from the Ocean Colour-Climate Change Initiative v4.0 database merging observations from MERIS, MODIS, VIIRS and SeaWiFs, at a monthly and 4x4-km-pixel resolution, up to December 31, 2019 (