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  • The database here presented includes quality-controlled bio-optical and biogeochemical variables derived from autonomous profiling Biogeochemical Argo float measurements, and supports field and remote ocean color applications. Data represent the first optical depth (i.e., the layer of interest for satellite remote sensing) and have been collected between October 2012 and January 2016, around local noon, in several oceanic areas encompassing the diversity of ocean’s trophic environments. In addition to the first optical depth (as derived from the in situ measured depth of the euphotic layer), the presented database is compiled with data of diffuse light attenuation coefficients of photosynthetically available radiation and downward irradiance at 3 wavelengths (380, 412 and 490 nm), chlorophyll a concentration, fluorescent dissolved organic matter, and particle light backscattering at 700 nm. Associated errors to each variable are also reported.