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  • In the framework of the ANR AMORAD project, the METEOR cruises (Grasso, 2017) aimed at deploying the ‘Gironde Estuary Mouth MEasurement Stations’ (GEMMES) to measure hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics at the mouth of the Gironde Estuary and on the West Gironde Mud Patch (SW France, Bay of Biscay). Measurements were carried out between November 2016 and December 2017: i) from a buoy station around 20-m water depth (GEMMES-20), collecting sub-surface data of temperature, salinity and turbidity; and ii) a benthic station around 40-m water depth (GEMMES-40), collecting data of current velocity and turbidity. Bottom and surface water samples were regularly collected to calibrate turbidity measurements to SPM concentrations.