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  • This In Situ delayed mode product integrates the best available version of in situ oxygen, chlorophyll / fluorescence and nutrients data. The latest version of Copernicus delayed-mode BGC (bio-geo-chemical) product is also distributed from Copernicus Marine catalogue.

  • This dataset contains bin-averaged optical particle measurements from Biogeochemical Argo floats. Full description of data and methodology is contained in the manuscript submitted to Science entitled "Particle fragmentation exerts strong control on biological sequestration of CO2 by the oceans". Optical measurements are particulate backscattering and chlorophyll fluorescence, and each have been partitioned into large (>100 µm) and small (<100 µm) size classes for use in estimating the rate of fragmentation of large, sinking partiles. The data cover 34 high-latitude open-ocean mesopelagic sinking particle plumes in the supolar North Atlantic and the Southern Ocean observed at 1 m vertical resolution and 2-5 day temporal resolution by profiling floats over a 30-day period. Each 30-day period is divided into five temporal bins of six days each. Vertical binning is at 50-meter intervals from the 250-950 m.

  • There are at least a dozen small hyper-turbid estuaries facing the Bay of Biscay, geographically situated between the two major estuaries of the Gironde and the Loire. MAGEST and SYVEL high-frequency multi-site monitoring revealed that the Loire, and to a lesser extent the Gironde, are subject to summer hypoxia. These observations raised the question of the potential occurrence of hypoxia in the small estuaries in between, motivating an investigation of dissolved oxygen in one of them, the Charente estuary. Oxygen and salinity sensors were placed at L'Houmée (2019), Tonnay-Charente (2018; 2019), Rochefort (2020; 2021; 2022), Martrou (2020) during summer, the most critical period for dissolved oxygen; a multiparameter probe was placed at Tonnay-Charente from April to November 2020. Longitudinal investigations along the estuary axis were also carried out during the summers of 2018 and 2019. All the measurements were acquired at 0.5 ± 0.2 meters below the surface. The dataset enabled us to identify the occurrence of summer hypoxia and an oxygen depletion zone in the Charente estuary. These results resulted in the implementation of high-frequency monitoring at Tonnay-Charente, operational since November 2020.

  • ARVOR-C is a subsurface profiling float designed to operate in coastal environments and to perform oceanographic measurements like a moored installation. Its design has been improved to reduce its drift thanks to a seabed claw and anti-drift claws, an optimized profile speed (~ 25 cm / s) and a short-period data transmission. It is able to process more than 300 profiles and real-time data transmission via Iridium satellite system.

  • COAST-HF est un Service National d'Observation qui vise à fédérer et cordonner à l'échelle du littoral français un ensemble de plateformes fixes instrumentées de mesures in situ hautes fréquences pour des paramètres clés des eaux côtières. Ce réseau s'inscrit dans l'Infrastructure de Recherche ILICO. Il est constitué de 14 bouées ancrées instrumentées et autonomes permettant la mesure en continu de paramètres physiques et bio-géochimiques.