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  • The Plankton Lifeform Extraction Tool brings together disparate European plankton datasets into a central database from which it extracts abundance time series of plankton functional groups, called “lifeforms”, according to shared biological traits. This tool has been designed to make complex plankton datasets accessible and meaningful for policy, public interest, and scientific discovery. The Plankton Lifeform Extraction Tool currently integrates 155 000 samples, containing over 44 million plankton records, from nine different plankton datasets within UK and European seas, collected between 1924 and 2017. Additional datasets can be added, and time series can be updated.

  • This is an short tutorial to show how to download OBIS/GBIF occurrence data for multiple species. The code has been written to be used in H2020 Mission Atlantic (No 862428) Project Task 3.4. The tutorial has been developed by Mireia Valle (github profile: MireiaValle, email: based on original code for sourcing OBIS and GBIF from Guillem Chust (email: and some adaptations from Eduardo Ramirez. Affiliation: AZTI, Marine Research, Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA). Txatxarramendi ugartea z/g, 48395 Sukarrieta - Bizkaia, Spain

  • Species distribution models (GAM, Maxent and Random Forest ensemble) predicting the distribution of Acanella arbuscula assemblage in the Celtic Sea. This community is considered ecologically coherent according to the cluster analysis conducted by Parry et al. (2015) on image sample. Modelling its distribution complements existing work on their definition and offers a representation of the extent of the areas of the North East Atlantic where they can occur based on the best available knowledge. This work was performed at the University of Plymouth in 2021.

  • Species distribution models (GAM, Maxent and Random Forest ensemble) predicting the distribution of Solitary Scleractinian fields assemblage in the Celtic Sea. This community is considered ecologically coherent according to the cluster analysis conducted by Parry et al. (2015) on image sample. Modelling its distribution complements existing work on their definition and offers a representation of the extent of the areas of the north-east Atlantic where they can occur based on the best available knowledge. This work was performed at the University of Plymouth in 2021.

  • Species distribution models (GAM, Maxent and Random Forest ensemble) predicting the distribution of Syringammina fragilissima fields assemblage in the North East Atlantic. This community is considered ecologically coherent according to the cluster analysis conducted by Parry et al. (2015) on image sample. Modelling its distribution complements existing work on their definition and offers a representation of the extent of the areas of the North East Atlantic where they can occur based on the best available knowledge. This work was performed at the University of Plymouth in 2021.

  • Species distribution models (GAM, Maxent and Random Forest ensemble) predicting the distribution of discrete Lophelia pertusa - Desmophylum pertusum colonies assemblage in the Celtic Sea. This community is considered ecologically coherent according to the cluster analysis conducted by Parry et al. (2015) on image samples. Modelling its distribution complements existing work on their definition and offers a representation of the extent of the areas of the North East Atlantic where they can occur based on the best available knowledge. This work was performed at the University of Plymouth in 2021.

  • Species distribution models (GAM, Maxent, and Random Forest ensemble) predicting the distribution of Sea pens and burrowing megafauna assemblages in the Northeast Atlantic. This community is considered ecologically coherent according to the cluster analysis conducted by Parry et al. (2015) on image samples. Modeling its distribution complements existing work on their definition and offers a representation of the extent of the areas of the North East Atlantic where they can occur based on the best available knowledge. This work was performed at the University of Plymouth in 2021.

  • Maps of potential biomass catches (tons/year) per surface unit (0.25º latitude x 0.25º longitude) based on 3-D probability of occurrence for the main commercial fish species of the Atlantic. To map potential catches, first, mean catches (tons/year) were calculated according to Watson (2020) Global fisheries landings (V4) database for period 2010-2015 and then the total mean catch value for each species was redistributed according to the occurrence probability value that was modelled in 3-D using Shape-Constrained Generalized Additive Models (SC-GAMs). Potential catch value of each cell integrates the catches along the water column (from surface until 1000 m depth). See Valle et al. (2024) in Ecological Modelling 490:110632 ( ), for more details.

  • Species distribution models (GAM, Maxent and Random Forest ensemble) predicting the distribution of Solenosmilia variabilis reef assemblage in the Celtic Sea. This community is considered ecologically coherent according to the cluster analysis conducted by Parry et al. (2015) on image sample. Modelling its distribution complements existing work on their definition and offers a representation of the extent of the areas of the North East Atlantic where they can occur based on the best available knowledge. This work was performed at the University of Plymouth in 2021.

  • Modelled density of the seapen Kophobelemnon stelliferum in the North East Atlantic. The Random Forest density model trained on data collected by an ROV was constrained by an ensemble of Maxent and Random Forest presence-absence model trained on a larger dataset also collected by an ROV. This species provides structural complexity in an environment where it is lacking and, thus, promotes higher biodiversity where they settle. They are vulnerable to mechanical disturbance of the sediment by fishing gear and a better understanding of their distribution will lead to better management of their population. This work was performed at the University of Plymouth in 2021.