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  • System for Acquiring, Validating and Exploiting Data from INSU Vessels North-Western Mediterranean and Channel/Atlantic French coasts 1996 -

  • Monitoring System in the Loire Estuary SYVEL 2007 -

  • Tidal observation reference network. All areas under national jurisdiction, in France and French overseas territories 1679 -

  • The RONIM projet is the national digital tidal network. RONIM aims to implement and maintain a modern network of tide gauges in the key ports of mainland France and French overseas territories.

  • The national multidisciplinary RECOPESCA programme is a collaboration between volunteer fishermen and scientists for the automated collection of geolocated physical and fisheries environmental data from the coastal domain. The principle consists of installing sensors on gear to measure environmental parameters, from the surface to the bottom, and to record detailed data on fishing activity and effort. The data acquired feeds the operational coastal oceanography database (coastal component of Coriolis) and the fisheries database of the SIH (Harmonie). The programme thus responds to research issues (physical and fisheries), the implementation of the ecosystem approach to fisheries, support for public policies (DCSMM, DCF, CMEMS) and Ifremer's innovation in the coastal field.