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  • The PHYTOBS-Network dataset includes long-term time series on marine microphytoplankton, since 1987, along the whole French metropolitan coast. Microphytoplankton data cover microscopic taxonomic identifications and counts. The whole dataset is available, it includes 25 sampling locations. PHYTOBS-Network studies microphytoplankton diversity in the hydrological context along French coasts under gradients of anthropogenic pressures. PHYTOBS-Network allows to analyse the responses of phytoplankton communities to environmental changes, to assess the quality of the coastal environment through indicators, to define ecological niches, to detect variations in bloom phenology, and to support any scientific question by providing data. The PHYTOBS-Network provides the scientific community and stakeholders with validated and qualified data, in order to improve knowledge regarding biomass, abundance and composition of marine microphytoplankton in coastal and lagoon waters in their hydrological context. PHYTOBS-Network originates of two networks. The historical REPHY (French Observation and Monitoring program for Phytoplankton and Hydrology in coastal waters) supported by Ifremer since 1984 and the SOMLIT (Service d'observation en milieu littoral) supported by INSU-CNRS since 1995. The monitoring has started in 1987 on some sites and later in others. Hydrological data are provided by REPHY or SOMLIT network as a function of site locations.

  • The associated data highlights the spatial influence of the dataset of the type “Visual Observations from an Aerial Platform” from the PELAGIS Observatory. These ranges represent the different areas of study on which the PELAGIS observatory conducted campaigns of visual observations from aerial platforms. Each area of study is associated with at least one campaign, with observers and geographical sectors linked to that campaign. Each sector is associated with bathymetric strips and transects related to each of the strips, with a few exceptions for the Indian Ocean region. Description of fields and values of the attribute tables : (- field name, meaning : value, description of values) - region, area of study specific to the PELAGIS observatory PELAGIS : OI/FRM/ AGFR/SOP/SP, region_lbl - programme, associated programme of which the campaign is a part: REMMOA/PACOMM, REcensement de la Mégafaune Marine par Observation Aérienne/Programme d'Acquisition sur les Oiseaux et Mammifères Marins - idCampagne, abbreviated name of the data collection campaign: OI/SAMM/ ANT/SOP/PF/GUY, Campagne Océan Indien/Suivi Aérien de la Mégafaune Marine/Sud Ouest Pacifique/Polynésie Française/ Guyane française - progress, current state of the campaigns, from collection to scientific optimisation : Preparation/Acquisition/ Analysis/Enhancement, campaign being prepared/under acquisition/being analysed/data enhanced within the context of a scientific publication.

  • Le SNO PHYTOBS a pour objectif de constituer un réseau national de dispositifs d'observation du microphytoplancton dont les principales caractéristiques sont des fréquences d'échantillonnages élevées et de nombreux paramètres mesurés tant biologiques (dont l'estimation du phytoplancton total) que physico-chimiques. Le réseau PHYTOBS associe les moyens et les compétences de l'IFREMER, du CNRS et des universités. Le SNO PHYTOBS fait partie de l'un des 8 réseaux élémentaires de l'IR-ILICO.

  • The associated data highlights the sampling programme for the data acquisition campaign of Observation on the Aerial Platform for the SAMM1and SAMM2 campaigns (Aerial Marine Megafauna Monitoring) conducted by the PELAGIS observatory (UMS 3462 ULR/CNRS). The sampling plan is composed of preestablished sampling strata and transects. These were drawn up according to the specific characteristic of the study area “Mainland France”, or FrM. Description of fields and values of allocation tables: : ( - field name, meaning: value, description of values) region char 5 Study area region_lbl char 50 labelled study area idCampagne (survey) char 15 Name of the campaign programme char 20 Programme name sector char 10 Sampling sector short ID strate char 5 Sampling strata short ID strate_lbl char 15 Labelled sampling strata areaKM double Strata surface area transect_name char 10 transect sampling length_km double Transect length start_x double Coordinates of the start of transect x in decimal degree start_y double Coordinates of the start of transect y in decimal degree end_x double Coordinates of the end of transect x in decimal degree end_y double Coordinates of the end of transect y in decimal degree

  • The associated data highlights the sampling programme for the data acquisition campaign of Observation on the Aerial Platform for the SAMM1campaign (Aerial Marine Megafauna Monitoring) conducted by the PELAGIS observatory.

  • Occurrence rate by observation number for 100km of effort in each 40km mesh in the French mainland EZE in the winter of 2011/2012 and the summer of 2012. Description of the attribute table: survey : campaign Type: observation type Mesh: mesh size in kilometers _no_maille : mesh number The following fields correspond to the calculation of the occurrence rate for the observation number for 1000km of effort for each species or group of species : - [marsouin] common porpoise - [grdDauph] bottlenose dolphin - [lagenor] White-beaked dolphin - [pttDelph] : common dolphin and Striped dolphin - [globiceph] : Long-finned pilot whale + Risso's dolphin - [cakobab] : Sperm whale+ kogias + Beaked whales - [balenopt] : Fin whale + Minke whale + blue whale - [phoque] seal (grey + harbour)