Population distribution — demography
Type of resources
Contact for the resource
Provided by
Representation types
Update frequencies
Annual time series of eel escapement, (2009-2014): • Time series of silver eel escapement biomass for rivers monitored by EU member state every 3 years since 2009, and as defined in their Eel Management Plans (EMPs) • Maps of silver eel escapement biomass per Eel Management Unit (EMU could be a river, basin district, a region or a whole
Annual time series of eel escapement, (2008-2011): • Time series of silver eel escapement biomass for rivers monitored by EU member state every 3 years since 2008, and as defined in their Eel Management Plans (EMPs) • Maps of silver eel escapement biomass per Eel Management Unit (EMU could be a river, basin district, a region or a whole
Annual time series of salmon recruitement biomass (2005-2014): • Time series of atlantic salmon recruitment • Location and Long Term Average (LTA) of atlantic salmon recruitment per Management Unit, that could be a river, basin district, a region or a whole country.
Annual time series of salmon recruitement biomass (2005-2014): • Time series of atlantic salmon recruitment • Location and Long Term Average (LTA) of atlantic salmon recruitment per Management Unit, that could be a river, basin district, a region or a whole country.
Annual time series of salmon escapement (2009-2014): • Time series of atlantic salmon escapement • Location and Long Term Average (LTA) of atlantic salmon escapement per Management Unit, that could be a river, basin district, a region or a whole country.
Annual time series of salmon escapement (2009-2014): • Time series of atlantic salmon escapement • Location and Long Term Average (LTA) of atlantic salmon escapement per Management Unit, that could be a river, basin district, a region or a whole country.
Cartographie des ménages aidés (localisation par commune et nombre) suivant les politiques PRECA, ASE, RSA et FSL