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  • A system called “Tide Database” (TDB) has been set up by the SHOM to store, process and give access to in situ sea level measurements and related metadata, such as vertical references, tide benchmarks, instruments, photos, etc..

  • The main purpose of the CYBER database, which supports projects selected by the Committee LEFE-CYBER, is to collect, store and disseminate data and scientific information (metadata).

  • The CORIOLIS data center contributes to the “in situ observations” of operational oceanography, in addition to ocean surface measurements performed using equipment installed on satellites. This contribution is accomplished through the creation of permanent and lasting networks from ships or moored or drifting autonomous systems.

  • The SISMER (Scientific Information Systems of the Sea) is the Ifremer service in charge of the management of many marine databases or information systems which Ifremer is in charge of implementing.

  • The definitive coastal information system, Quadrige stores coastal observation and monitoring network data. In order to manage coastal monitoring data, Ifremer developed the Quadrige² information system. Quadrige is one element of the Water Information System (SIE) http://, et à ce titre, contribue aux travaux du Secrétariat d'Administration National des Données Relatives à l'Eau (SANDRE) Quadrige Marine Zones is a reference source unique to the Quadrige system. It is used to break down the coast of the French mainland and overseas territories into large areas and to connect each one with observation and monitoring locations.