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  • The Pelagos database is the result of collaborative work by the Réseau des Stations et Observatoires Marins (RESOMAR), now part of the ILICO research infrastructure. It brings together biodiversity data from the coastal pelagic ecosystem (including time series). One of the goals is to exploit the biological information acquired, to answer scientific questions concerning, for example, the factors controlling the distribution and abundance of pelagic organisms at different spatial and time scales.

  • The PHYTOBS-Network dataset includes long-term time series on marine microphytoplankton, since 1987, along the whole French metropolitan coast. Microphytoplankton data cover microscopic taxonomic identifications and counts. The whole dataset is available, it includes 25 sampling locations. PHYTOBS-Network studies microphytoplankton diversity in the hydrological context along French coasts under gradients of anthropogenic pressures. PHYTOBS-Network allows to analyse the responses of phytoplankton communities to environmental changes, to assess the quality of the coastal environment through indicators, to define ecological niches, to detect variations in bloom phenology, and to support any scientific question by providing data. The PHYTOBS-Network provides the scientific community and stakeholders with validated and qualified data, in order to improve knowledge regarding biomass, abundance and composition of marine microphytoplankton in coastal and lagoon waters in their hydrological context. PHYTOBS-Network originates of two networks. The historical REPHY (French Observation and Monitoring program for Phytoplankton and Hydrology in coastal waters) supported by Ifremer since 1984 and the SOMLIT (Service d'observation en milieu littoral) supported by INSU-CNRS since 1995. The monitoring has started in 1987 on some sites and later in others. Hydrological data are provided by REPHY or SOMLIT network as a function of site locations.

  • Le SNO PHYTOBS a pour objectif de constituer un réseau national de dispositifs d'observation du microphytoplancton dont les principales caractéristiques sont des fréquences d'échantillonnages élevées et de nombreux paramètres mesurés tant biologiques (dont l'estimation du phytoplancton total) que physico-chimiques. Le réseau PHYTOBS associe les moyens et les compétences de l'IFREMER, du CNRS et des universités. Le SNO PHYTOBS fait partie de l'un des 8 réseaux élémentaires de l'IR-ILICO.