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"Traffic Separation Schemes" product contains a description of TSS in French maritime spaces. A TSS is a routeing measure aimed at the separation of opposing streams of traffic by appropriate means and notably by the establishment of traffic lanes. The measures taken aim at improving navigation safety in areas where navigation is threatened by the density of traffic associated with various natural difficulties. Several classes of objects constitute this product, the acronyms used are those of IHO standard S-57: - Traffic separation scheme lane part (TSSLPT): area of a traffic lane in which the direction of flow of traffic is uniform; - Traffic separation scheme boundary (TSSBND): outer limit of a traffic lane part or a traffic separation scheme roundabout; - Traffic separation line (TSELNE): common boundary between two traffic lanes, or between one traffic lane and one inshore traffic zone; - Traffic separation zone (TSEZNE): separation areas between two traffic lanes, or between one traffic lane and one inshore traffic zone, or to the central area of a roundabout; - Inshore traffic zone (ISTZNE): area between the landward boundary of a traffic separation scheme and the adjacent coast; - Precautionary area (PRCARE): area, within defined limits, where ships must navigate with particular caution, and within which the direction of traffic flow may be recommended; - Deep water route part (DWRTPT): sections within which the flow of traffic either follows one defined direction for one-way traffic, or follows one defined direction and its reciprocal for two-way traffic. A deep-water route is a route in a designated area within defined limits which has been accurately surveyed for clearance of sea bottom and submerged obstacles to a minimum indicated depth of water; - Two-way route part (TWRTPT): sections within which traffic flows in two directions along one bearing and its reciprocal. These route parts are generally two-way, but some may be restricted to one-way traffic flow; - Radio calling-in line (RDOCAL_lne) : positions at which vessels are required to report to a traffic control centre.