
Western Mediterranean Sea

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  • The Western Mediterranean Sea is a natural laboratory to address questions about the formation and evolution of continental margins and the relationship between surface and deep processes. The evaporites deposited during the late Miocene’s Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) strongly impact its sedimentological and geomorphological evolution. Hereafter, we present a compilation of some of the main regional seismic stratigraphic markers throughout the Western Mediterranean Sea. We provide in xyz format (z in second twt) the original, not interpolated, points interpretation of the following horizons: i) Acoustic basement, ii) Base and Top of the MSC salt, also known as Mobile Unit (MU), iii) base Pliocene and iv) Seafloor. The available reflection seismic dataset, coming from a collaboration between French, Spanish, Algerian and Italian research institutes, covers most of the Western Mediterranean sub-basins with the exception of the Ligurian Basin. This compilation is currently the most comprehensive and updated available in literature and provides a useful contribution to the scientific community working in sedimentary, tectonics and geodynamics studies in the Western Mediterranean Sea.

  • From 2015 to 2018 five field experiments (9 legs) have been performed in the Western Mediterranean Basin during winter or early spring. Thanks to the intensive use of a towed vehicle undulating in the upper oceanic layer between 0 and 400 meter depth (i.e. a Seasoar), a large amount of very high resolution hydrographic transects have been performed, to measure the mesoscale dynamics (slope current and its instabilities, anticyclonic eddies, sub-mesoscale coherent vortices, frontal dynamics convection events, strait outflows) and sub-mesoscale processes like stirring, mixed layer or symmetric instabilities. When available, the data were completed with velocities recorded by Vessel Mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (VMADCP) and by surface salinity and temperature recorded by ThermosalinoGraph (TSG). Some CTD casts have also been performed giving the background hydrography of the deep layers. In 2017, a Moving Vessel Profiler (MVP) has been deployed to manage even higher horizontal resolution. This data set is an unprecedented opportunity to investigate the very fine scale processes as the Mediterranean Sea is known for its intense and contrasted dynamics. It should be useful for modellers (who reduce the grid size below a few hundred meters) and expect to properly catch finer scale dynamics. Likewise, theoretical work could also be illustrated by in situ evidence embedded in this data set.