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The In Situ Analysis System (ISAS) was developed to produce gridded fields of temperature and salinity that preserve as much as possible the time and space sampling capabilities of the Argo network of profiling floats. ISAS is based on Optimal Interpolation method. Since the first global re-analysis performed in 2009, the system has been extended to accommodate all types of vertical profile as well as time series. ISAS gridded fields are entirely based on in-situ measurements. The system aims at monitoring the time evolution of ocean properties for climatic studies and allowing easy computation of climate indices. Delayed Mode (D) profiles are used a much as possible and extra visual check is carried out. The ISAS procedure and products are described in Gaillard et al. (2016). The present DOI provides both analyzed fields and standardized profiles data used in interpolation. ISAS provide now also gridded fields of dissolved oxgyen from BGC Argo floats. HISTORY ISAS20_ARGO_*_DOXY: The ISAS20_ARGO_*_DOXY release is BGC Argo DOXY variable interpolated on 187 standard depth levels between 0-5500 m depth and 0.5°x0.5° global horizontal grid. ISAS20 use the version 8 of ISAS and updated statistics to produce the monthly analysis (Monthly Climatology and annual STD computed from WOA18A5B7). ISAS20 gridded fields analyze yearly mean of the Argo dissolved oxygen data over 3 periods : 2009-2018, 2009-2013, and 2014-2018. ISAS20_ARGO: The ISAS20_ARGO release is interpolated on 187 standard depth levels between 0-5500 m depth and 0.5°x0.5° global horizontal grid. ISAS20 use the version 8 of ISAS and updated statistics to produce the monthly analysis (Monthly Climatology and annual STD computed from WOA18A5B7). ISAS20 gridded fields analyze the Argo and Deep-Argo temperature and salinity data alone between 2002-2020. ISAS17: The ISAS17 release is interpolated on 187 standard depth levels between 0-5500 m depth and 0.5°x0.5° global horizontal grid. ISAS17 use the version 8 of ISAS and updated statistics to produce the monthly analysis (Monthly Climatology and annual STD computed from WOA18A5D). ISAS17 gridded fields analyze the Argo and Deep-Argo temperature and salinity profiles, and other in situ measurements between 2002-2017 to complete observations, including the higher latitudes (typically poleward of 60°S-N) where Argo sampling is sparse or not existent. ISAS-SSS : The ISAS-SSS release is interpolated on 4 standard depth levels (1-3-5-10m depth) and 0.5°x0.5° global horizontal grid between 2002-2015. ISAS-SSS use the version 7 of ISAS and updated the statistics to produce the monthly analyses (Monthly Climatology computed from ISAS13 and annual STD computed from Argo dataset). ISAS-SSS gridded fields analyze the Argo and other in situ salinity data, including TSG from research and ship of opportunity from French SNO-SSS. ISAS15 : The ISAS15 release is interpolated on 152 standard depth levels between 0-2000 m depth and 0.5°x0.5° global horizontal grid between 2002-2015. ISAS15 use the version 7 of ISAS and updated statistics to produce the monthly analysis (Monthly Climatology computed from ISAS13 and annual STD computed from Argo dataset). ISAS15 gridded fields analyze the Argo temperature and salinity data alone in its ISAS15_ARGO configuration; or Argo plus other in situ measurements in its ISAS15 configuration. ISAS13 : The ISAS13 release is interpolated on 152 standard depth levels between 0-2000 m depth and 0.5°x0.5° global horizontal grid between 2002-2012. ISAS13 use the version 6 of ISAS and updated statistics to produce the monthly analysis (Monthly Climatology computed from ISAS11 and annual STD computed from Argo dataset). ISAS13 gridded fields analyze the Argo temperature and salinity data and other in situ measurements between 2002-2012. For detailed information and description of the ISAS products please visit the dedicated Argo France web page:
The In Situ Analysis System (ISAS) has been developed to produce temperature and salinity fields that preserve as far as possible the time and space sampling capabilities of the Argo float network. Since the first global analysis in 2009, the system has been extended to take into account all types of vertical profiles and time series, as well as new parameters such as dissolved oxygen produced by BGC Argo. ISAS gridded fields are based entirely on in situ measurements. The system aims to monitor the evolution of ocean properties as a function of time for climatological studies, and to enable easy calculation of climate indices. Delayed-time processing of the 2002-2020 dataset has been carried out using ISAS-V8 and the updating of a priori statistics. Note that ISAS-V8 has been implemented as an operational analysis tool at the Coriolis data center since June 2020.
French Research vessels have been collecting thermo-salinometer (TSG) data since the early 2000 in contribution to the GOSUD programme. The set of homogeneous instruments is permanently monitored and regularly calibrated. Water samples are taken on a daily basis by the crew and later analysed in the laboratory. We present here the delayed mode processing of the time series intiated in 2001 dataset and an overview of the resulting quality. The careful calibration and instrument maintenance, complemented with a rigorous adjustment on water samples lead to reach an accuracy of a few 10-² PSS in salinity or evenless. Global comparison with the ISAS13 ARGO gridded product shows an excellent agreement of the datasets. The SSS-Fresh dataset appears as highly valuable for the "calibration and validation" of the new satellite observations delivered by SMOS, Aquarius and SMAP.
A world deep displacement dataset, named ANDRO, after a traditional dance of Brittany meaning a swirl, comprising more than 1300 000 deep displacements, has been produced from the Argo float trajectory data ('traj' files). ANDRO dataset was completed over the period 2000-2009, then was partially but yearly updated since 2010. For detailed information and status of the last released ANDRO product, please visit the dedicated Argo France web page: One important feature of ANDRO is that the pressures measured during float drifts at depth, and suitably averaged are preserved in ANDRO. To reach this goal, it was necessary to reprocess most of the Argo raw data, because of the many different decoding versions (roughly 100) not always applied by the DACs to the displacement data because they were mainly interested in the p,t,S profiles. The result of our work was the production of comprehensive files, named DEP (for 'déplacement' in French), containing all the possibly retrievable float data.