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  • This dataset is a supplement to the study "The open ocean kinetic energy cascade is strongest in late winter and spring" by René Schubert, Oscar Vergara, and Jonathan Gula, published in Nature Communications Earth and Environment. It includes the code for the underlying analysis and visualization in the jupyter notebook 'code_schubert_etal_2023_ncommsenv.ipynb', the data to reproduce the figures, and the monthly climatologies of the estimated scale kinetic energy transfer and of the transition scale from balanced to unbalanced flows based on JASON-3 data. The transition scale has been computed by Oscar Vergara. All the other data and code have been created by René Schubert. The analysis bases on numerical ocean simulations that have been run by Jonathan Gula.

  • This annual statistics at 500m horizontal resolution was produced from the archived time series of MARS 3D physics model hindcast runs along French Atlantic Coast. The variable that is available here is the Kinetic Energy induced by currents caused by tide, water density gradients and action of winds. The formula used for the Kinetic Energy calculation is 0.5mv², where m is the density of seawater (1027 kg.m-3) and v is the current-induced velocity. Values are expressed in N.m-2 (Newton per square meter). The vertical level is the sea surface.

  • This annual statistics at 500m horizontal resolution was produced from the archived time series of MARS 3D physics model hindcast runs along French Atlantic Coast. The variable that is available here is the Kinetic Energy induced by currents caused by tide, water density gradients and action of winds. The formula used for the Kinetic Energy calculation is 0.5mv², where m is the density of seawater (1027 kg.m-3) and v is the current-induced velocity. Values are expressed in N.m-2 (Newton per square meter). The vertical level is the seabed.

  • This annual statistics at 500m horizontal resolution was produced from the archived time series of MARS 3D physics model hindcast runs along French Atlantic Coast. The variable that is available here is the Kinetic Energy induced by currents caused by tide, water density gradients and action of winds. The formula used for the Kinetic Energy calculation is 0.5mv², where m is the density of seawater (1027 kg.m-3) and v is the current-induced velocity. Values are expressed in N.m-2 (Newton per square meter). In each pixel the value is an average of the values of the 40 vertical levels that are considered in the model.