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  • '''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' The Global Ocean Satellite monitoring and marine ecosystem study group (GOS) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), in Rome, distributes Level-4 product including the daily interpolated chlorophyll field with no data voids starting from the multi-sensor (MODIS-Aqua, NOAA-20-VIIRS, NPP-VIIRS, Sentinel3A-OLCI at 300m of resolution) (at 1 km resolution) and the monthly averaged chlorophyll concentration for the multi-sensor (at 1 km resolution) and Sentinel-OLCI Level-3 (at 300m resolution). Chlorophyll field are obtained by means of the Mediterranean regional algorithms: an updated version of the MedOC4 (Case 1 waters, Volpe et al., 2019, with new coefficients) and AD4 (Case 2 waters, Berthon and Zibordi, 2004). Discrimination between the two water types is performed by comparing the satellite spectrum with the average water type spectral signature from in situ measurements for both water types. Reference insitu dataset is MedBiOp (Volpe et al., 2019) where pure Case II spectra are selected using a k-mean cluster analysis (Melin et al., 2015). Merging of Case I and Case II information is performed estimating the Mahalanobis distance between the observed and reference spectra and using it as weight for the final merged value. The interpolated gap-free Level-4 Chl concentration is estimated by means of a modified version of the DINEOF algorithm by GOS (Volpe et al., 2018). DINEOF is an iterative procedure in which EOF are used to reconstruct the entire field domain. As first guess, it uses the SeaWiFS-derived daily climatological values at missing pixels and satellite observations at valid pixels. The other Level-4 dataset is the time averages of the L3 fields and includes the standard deviation and the number of observations in the monthly period of integration. '''Processing information:''' Multi-sensor products are constituted by MODIS-AQUA, NOAA20-VIIRS, NPP-VIIRS and Sentinel3A-OLCI. For consistency with NASA L2 dataset, BRDF correction was applied to Sentinel3A-OLCI prior to band shifting and multi sensor merging. Hence, the single sensor OLCI data set is also distributed after BRDF correction. Single sensor NASA Level-2 data are destriped and then all Level-2 data are remapped at 1 km spatial resolution (300m for Sentinel3A-OLCI) using cylindrical equirectangular projection. Afterwards, single sensor Rrs fields are band-shifted, over the SeaWiFS native bands (using the QAAv6 model, Lee et al., 2002) and merged with a technique aimed at smoothing the differences among different sensors. This technique is developed by The Global Ocean Satellite monitoring and marine ecosystem study group (GOS) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR, Rome). Then geophysical fields (i.e. chlorophyll, kd490, bbp, aph and adg) are estimated via state-of-the-art algorithms for better product quality. Level-4 includes both monthly time averages and the daily-interpolated fields. Time averages are computed on the delayed-time data. The interpolated product starts from the L3 products at 1 km resolution. At the first iteration, DINEOF procedure uses, as first guess for each of the missing pixels the relative daily climatological pixel. A procedure to smooth out spurious spatial gradients is applied to the daily merged image (observation and climatology). From the second iteration, the procedure uses, as input for the next one, the field obtained by the EOF calculation, using only a number of modes: that is, at the second round, only the first two modes, at the third only the first three, and so on. At each iteration, the same smoothing procedure is applied between EOF output and initial observations. The procedure stops when the variance explained by the current EOF mode exceeds that of noise. '''Description of observation methods/instruments:''' Ocean colour technique exploits the emerging electromagnetic radiation from the sea surface in different wavelengths. The spectral variability of this signal defines the so-called ocean colour which is affected by the pre+D2sence of phytoplankton. '''Quality / Accuracy / Calibration information:''' A detailed description of the calibration and validation activities performed over this product can be found on the CMEMS web portal. '''Suitability, Expected type of users / uses:''' This product is meant for use for educational purposes and for the managing of the marine safety, marine resources, marine and coastal environment and for climate and seasonal studies. '''Dataset names:''' *dataset-oc-med-chl-multi-l4-chl_1km_monthly-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-chl-multi-l4-interp_1km_daily-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-chl-olci-l4-chl_300m_monthly-rt-v02 '''Files format:''' *CF-1.4 *INSPIRE compliant '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''This product has been archived''' For operational and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' For the Global Ocean - the OSTIA diurnal skin Sea Surface Temperature product provides daily gap-free maps of: *Hourly mean skin Sea Surface Temperature at 0.25° x 0.25° horizontal resolution, using in-situ and satellite data from infra-red radiometers. The Operational Sea Surface Temperature and Ice Analysis (OSTIA) system is run by the Met Office. A 1/4° (approx. 28 km) hourly analysis of skin Sea Surface temperature (SST) is produced daily for the global ocean. The skin temperature of the ocean is the temperature measured by satellite infra-red radiometers and can experience a large diurnal cycle. The skin SST L4 product is created by combining: 1. the OSTIA foundation SST analysis which uses in-situ and satellite observations; 2. the OSTIA diurnal warm layer analysis which uses satellite observations; and 3. a cool skin model. OSTIA uses satellite data provided by the GHRSST project. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' For the Global Ocean- Gridded objective analysis fields of temperature and salinity using profiles from the in-situ near real time database are produced monthly. Objective analysis is based on a statistical estimation method that allows presenting a synthesis and a validation of the dataset, providing a support for localized experience (cruises), providing a validation source for operational models, observing seasonal cycle and inter-annual variability. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''This product has been archived'''                For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' Altimeter satellite along-track sea surface heights anomalies (SLA) computed with respect to a twenty-year [1993, 2012] mean with a 1Hz (~7km) sampling. It serves in near-real time applications. This product is processed by the DUACS multimission altimeter data processing system. It processes data from all altimeter missions available (e.g. Sentinel-6A, Jason-3, Sentinel-3A, Sentinel-3B, Saral/AltiKa, Cryosat-2, HY-2B). The system exploits the most recent datasets available based on the enhanced OGDR/NRT+IGDR/STC production. All the missions are homogenized with respect to a reference mission. Part of the processing is fitted to the Global Ocean. (see QUID document or [] pages for processing details). The product gives additional variables (e.g. Mean Dynamic Topography, Dynamic Atmospheric Correction, Ocean Tides, Long Wavelength Errors) that can be used to change the physical content for specific needs (see PUM document for details) “’Associated products”’ A time invariant product [] describing the noise level of along-track measurements is available. It is associated to the sla_filtered variable. It is a gridded product. One file is provided for the global ocean and those values must be applied for Arctic and Europe products. For Mediterranean and Black seas, one value is given in the QUID document. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description:''' Global Ocean- in-situ Near Real time Carbon observations. The In Situ Thematic Assembly Centre (INS TAC) integrates near real-time in situ observation data. This Near-Real Time product contains observations of temperature, salinity and fugacity of carbon dioxide from the surface ocean. These data are collected from ICOS Ocean Thematic Centre ( operational stations, using Standard Operating Procedures for the ocean carbon community. The data are quality controlled using the software QuinCe, which provides automatic Quality Control in the form of range checks, constant value and excessive gradient detection. This product is updated with new observations at a maximum frequency of once a day, depending on the connection capabilities of the platform.

  • '''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' The Global Ocean Satellite monitoring and marine ecosystem study group (GOS) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), in Rome operationally produces Level-4 product includes monthly averaged datasets of the diffuse attenuation coefficient of light at 490 nm (Kd490) for multi-sensor (MODIS-AQUA, NOAA20-VIIRS, NPP-VIIRS, Sentinel3A-OLCI at 300m of resolution) (at 1 km resolution) and Sentinel3A-OLCI observations (at 300m resolution). Kd490 is the diffuse attenuation coefficient of light at 490 nm, and is a measure of the turbidity of the water column, i.e., how visible light in the blue-green region of the spectrum penetrates the water column. It is directly related to the presence of absorbing and scattering matter in the water column and is estimated through the ratio between Rrs at 490 and 555 nm. For the multi-sensor dataset, single sensor Rrs fields are band-shifted, over the SeaWiFS native bands (using the QAAv6 model, Lee et al., 2002) and merged with a technique aimed at smoothing the differences among different sensors. This technique is developed by the GOS. The QAA allows the inversion of the radiative transfer equations to compute the Inherent Optical Properties. Level-4 product includes monthly averages along with the standard deviation and the number of observations in the period of integration. '''Processing information:''' Multi-sensor products are constituted by MODIS-AQUA, NOAA20-VIIRS, NPP-VIIRS and Sentinel3A-OLCI. For consistency with NASA L2 dataset, BRDF correction was applied to Sentinel3A-OLCI prior to band shifting and multi sensor merging. Hence, the single sensor OLCI data set is also distributed after BRDF correction. Single sensor NASA Level-2 data are destriped and then all Level-2 data are remapped at 1 km spatial resolution (300m for Sentinel3A-OLCI) using cylindrical equirectangular projection. Afterwards, single sensor Rrs fields are band-shifted, over the SeaWiFS native bands (using the QAAv6 model, Lee et al., 2002) and merged with a technique aimed at smoothing the differences among different sensors. This technique is developed by The Global Ocean Satellite monitoring and marine ecosystem study group (GOS) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR, Rome). Then geophysical fields (i.e. chlorophyll, kd490, bbp, aph and adg) are estimated via state-of-the-art algorithms for better product quality. Time averages are computed on the delayed-time data. '''Description of observation methods/instruments:''' Ocean colour technique exploits the emerging electromagnetic radiation from the sea surface in different wavelengths. The spectral variability of this signal defines the so-called ocean colour which is affected by the presence of phytoplankton. '''Quality / Accuracy / Calibration information:''' A detailed description of the calibration and validation activities performed over this product can be found on the CMEMS web portal. '''Suitability, Expected type of users / uses:''' This product is meant for use for educational purposes and for the managing of the marine safety, marine resources, marine and coastal environment and for climate and seasonal studies. '''Dataset names :''' *dataset-oc-med-opt-multi-l4-kd490_1km_monthly-rt-v02 *dataset-oc-med-opt-olci-l4-kd490_300m_monthly-rt '''Files format:''' *CF-1.4 *INSPIRE compliant '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' For the European Ocean- The L3 multi-sensor (supercollated) product is built from bias-corrected L3 mono-sensor (collated) products at the resolution 0.02 degrees. If the native collated resolution is N and N < 0.02 the change (degradation) of resolution is done by averaging the best quality data. If N > 0.02 the collated data are associated to the nearest neighbour without interpolation nor artificial increase of the resolution. A synthesis of the bias-corrected L3 mono-sensor (collated) files remapped at resolution R is done through a selection of data based on the following hierarchy: AVHRR_METOP_B, VIIRS_NPP, SLSTRA, SEVIRI, AVHRRL-19, MODIS_A, MODIS_T, AMSR2. This hierarchy can be changed in time depending on the health of each sensor. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''This product has been archived'''                For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' Altimeter satellite along-track sea surface heights anomalies (SLA) computed with respect to a twenty-year [1993, 2012] mean with a 1Hz (~7km) sampling. It serves in near-real time applications. This product is processed by the DUACS multimission altimeter data processing system. It processes data from all altimeter missions available (e.g. Sentinel-6A, Jason-3, Sentinel-3A, Sentinel-3B, Saral/AltiKa, Cryosat-2, HY-2B). The system exploits the most recent datasets available based on the enhanced OGDR/NRT+IGDR/STC production. All the missions are homogenized with respect to a reference mission. Part of the processing is fitted to the European Sea area. (see QUID document or [] pages for processing details). The product gives additional variables (e.g. Mean Dynamic Topography, Dynamic Atmospheric Correction, Ocean Tides, Long Wavelength Errors) that can be used to change the physical content for specific needs (see PUM document for details) “’Associated products”’ A time invariant product [] describing the noise level of along-track measurements is available. It is associated to the sla_filtered variable. It is a gridded product. One file is provided for the global ocean and those values must be applied for Arctic and Europe products. For Mediterranean and Black seas, one value is given in the QUID document. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description:''' For the Global Ocean- Sea Surface Temperature L3 Observations . This product provides daily foundation sea surface temperature from multiple satellite sources. The data are intercalibrated. This product consists in a fusion of sea surface temperature observations from multiple satellite sensors, daily, over a 0.1° resolution global grid. It includes observations by polar orbiting (NOAA-18 & NOAAA-19/AVHRR, METOP-A/AVHRR, ENVISAT/AATSR, AQUA/AMSRE, TRMM/TMI) and geostationary (MSG/SEVIRI, GOES-11) satellites . The observations of each sensor are intercalibrated prior to merging using a bias correction based on a multi-sensor median reference correcting the large-scale cross-sensor biases.3 more datasets are available that only contain "per sensor type" data : Polar InfraRed (PIR), Polar MicroWave (PMW), Geostationary InfraRed (GIR) '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''This product has been archived''' For operationnal and online products, please visit '''Short description:''' For the European Ocean, the L4 multi-sensor daily satellite product is a 2km horizontal resolution subskin sea surface temperature analysis. This SST analysis is run by Meteo France CMS and is built using the European Ocean L3S products originating from bias-corrected European Ocean L3C mono-sensor products at 0.02 degrees resolution. This analysis uses the analysis of the previous day at the same time as first guess field. '''DOI (product) :'''