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  • This data set contains the gridded hydrographic and transport data for the biennial Go-Ship A25 Greenland–Portugal OVIDE section from 2002 to 2012. The properties and transports are mapped on a 7km x 1m grid. Using a common grid facilitates the comparison between the different occupations of the line and the averaging. This data set was used in Daniault et al. (2016, Progress in Oceanography) to which the reader is referred for a description of the gridding method.

  • A quantitative understanding of the integrated ocean heat content depends on our ability to determine how heat is distributed in the ocean and what are the associated coherent patterns. This dataset contains the results of the Maze et al., 2017 (Prog. Oce.) study demonstrating how this can be achieved using unsupervised classification of Argo temperature profiles. The dataset contains: - A netcdf file with classification~results (labels and probabilities) and coordinates (lat/lon/time) of 100,684 Argo temperature profiles in North Atlantic. - A netcdf file with a Profile Classification Model (PCM) that can be used to classify new temperature profiles from observations or numerical models. The classification method used is a Gaussian Mixture Model that decomposes the Probability Density Function of the dataset into a weighted sum of Gaussian modes. North Atlantic Argo temperature profiles between 0 and 1400m depth were interpolated onto a regular 5m grid, then compressed using Principal Component Analysis and finally classified using a Gaussian Mixture Model. To use the netcdf PCM file to classify new data, you can checkout our PCM Matlab and Python toolbox here:

  • The Greenland-Portugal A25 OVIDE line is carried out biennially since 2002. The section is composed of 98 stations where hydrographic, biogeochemical and current measurements are carried out down to the bottom. OVIDE is a contribution to the international programs Go-Ship, IOCCP, and CLIVAR. This data set contains the final (adjusted) CTDO2 data.