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  • UWWTD Discharge Points, Jan. 2022 is one of the datasets produced within the frame of the reporting under 11th UWWTD Art.15 reporting period (UWWTD data call 2019). The Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) (91/271/EEC) obliges Member States to report data on the implementation of the Directive upon request from the European Commission bi-annually. Reported data include receiving areas as designated under UWWTD, agglomerations, urban waste water treatment plants serving the agglomerations and points of discharges. Dataset UWWTD_DischargePoints contains information on individual points of discharge from urban waste water treatment plants or collecting systems, including their coordinates of discharge, link to specific treatment plant, type of receiving area into which the effluent / wastewater is discharged, related waterbody (or river basin), information on the discharge on land and potential reuse of the treated waste water. This dataset includes the reported discharge points which are displayed on the UWWTD maps ( The active discharge points with correct coordinates in the reported data were selected from the source European UWWTD tabular dataset, which is available on the download link The definition of the UWWTD Discharge Points dataset attributes (fields) is available on the link The full (internal) dataset including inactive discharge points is available under "Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive, Discharge points reported under UWWTD data call 2019 - INTERNAL VERSION, Jan. 2022". In comparison to the previous version (Nov. 2020), late redeliveries and corrections provided by several countries during 2021 are included in current revision. Next, the dataset is provided in GeoPackage and ESRI File geodatabase formats instead of shapefile used up to now, to avoid truncation of attribute names.

  • This raster dataset represents the input of microbial pathogens along the European coastlines. The pressure layer was created using three different datasets rasterized using the EEA 10 km grid: urban agglomerations reported under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (2017), EMODnet dataset of ports lying on the sea coast together with passenger information (annual average 2006-2016) and Intestinal enterococci and Escherichia coli data at bathing sites as measured under the Bathing Water Directive reporting obligation (average 2008-2016). All three datasets were then classified into four classes, aggregated and classified again (quantile classes between 0 and 1, with the latter being the highest pathogen pressure). This dataset has been prepared for the calculation of the combined effect index, produced for the ETC/ICM Report 4/2019 "Multiple pressures and their combined effects in Europe's seas" available on: