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Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche, LOV, F-06230 Villefranche-sur-Mer, France

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  • The dataset dcm_dtb.txt contains bio-optical measurements and environmental parameters associated with  Deep Chlorophyll Maxima (DCM) acquired by BGC-Argo profiling floats. For each BGC-Argo profile the data files includes the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and profile numbers, the Data Assembly Center (DAC), the geographical position (LON and LAT), the date of the profile in Julian Day (JULD) and in YYYY-MM-DD format; the region of the profile (REGION, acronyms detailed in the region.txt file), the DCM zonal attribution (ZONE, acronyms detailed in the zone.txt file), the vertical resolution of measurements of the concentration of the chlorophyll a [Chla] and of the backscattering coefficient (bbp) within the 250 first meters, the Mixed Layer Depth (MLD, m), the qualification of the vertical profile (DCM_TYPE) as Deep Biomass Maximum (3), Deep photoAcclimation Maximum (2), or presenting no DCM (1); the depth of the DCM (DCM_DEPTH); the chlorophyll a concentration (CHLA_DCM, mg chla m-3 ) the backscattering coefficient (BBP_DCM, m-1), and the Brunt-Vaisala frequency (N2_DCM) at the DCM depth; the nitracline depth (NCLINE_DEPTH, m) and steepness (NCLINE_STEEP, µmol NO3 m-3 m-1), the mean nitrate concentration within the Mixed Layer (NO3_MEAN_MLD, µmol NO3 m-3), the mean daily Photosynthetically Available Radiation in the Mixed Layer (MEAN_IPAR_MLD, E m -1 d -1), the daily Photosynthetically Available Radiation at the nitracline depth (IPAR_NCLINE, E m-2 d-1);  and the [Chla] measured by satellite (CHLA_SAT, mg chla m-3). The dataset shape_NASTG_ASEW.txt contains the seasonal median, the first and third quartiles of the [Chla] and of the bbp profiles for the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre and Atlantic SubEquatorial Waters regions. The dataset climato_NASTG_ASEW.txt contains the monthly mean and standard deviations of the DCM depth (DCM_depth), the isolume depth of daily Photosynthetically Available Radiation of 20 E m-2 d-1 (iPAR_20), the nitracline depth, and the Mixed Layer Depth (MLD) for the profiles within the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre and Atlantic SubEquatorial Waters regions.  The qualification and processing of the BGC-Argo profiles, as well as the DCM detection (DCM_TYPE) and the estimation of the environmental parameters, were applied as described from Cornec, M., Claustre, H., Mignot, A., Guidi, L., Lacour, L., Poteau, A., D’Ortenzio, F.,Gentili, B., Schmechtig, C., (to be updated.) Deep Chlorophyll Maxima in the global ocean: occurrences, drivers and characteristics. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, to be updated The [Chla] satellite variable was obtained by the match of each BGC-Argo profile with a L3S [Chla] product from the Ocean Colour-Climate Change Initiative v4.0 database merging observations from MERIS, MODIS, VIIRS and SeaWiFs, at a monthly and 4x4-km-pixel resolution, up to December 31, 2019 (

  • The PROSOPE (PROductivity of Oceanic PElagic Systems) cruise took place from the 4th of September (Agadir, Morocco) to the 4th of October (Toulon, France) 1999 aboard the RV Thalassa. There were four main scientific objectives: 1, carry out classical process studies, typical of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS), 2, focus on small scale biogeochemical processes, in particular at a daily scale, 3, study the influence of nitrogen, phosphorus and iron on oceanic fertility and 4, conduct a calibration/validation operation for the SeaWIFS (Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor) color sensor. To reach these objectives, the studied areas, as well as the cruise plan, were designed : To investigate different trophic regimes, to investigate systems characterized by different degrees of limitation in nitrogen and phosphorus and to study stable ("steady state") systems for a sufficiently long period. The cruise track encompassed a variety of trophic systems ranging from eutrophic conditions associated to the Moroccan upwelling to the typical ultra-oligotrophic conditions of the eastern Mediterranean sea during summer stratification. Two main types of stations were occupied : - 9 short (4-hour) stations. These sites were occupied around the solar noon and were essentially designed to conduct objectives 1 (JGOFS process studies) and 4 (SeaWIFS validation/calibration) - 3 "long" (5-day) stations, where all four objectives were investigated with a particular emphasis on objectives 2 (processes at a daily scale) and 3 (nutrient resources and oceanic fertility). Between each station, continuous multiparametric (hydrological, optical, biological and chemical) surface acquisitions were performed.

  • The general objective of the PEACETIME cruise is to study the fundamental processes and their interactions at the ocean-atmosphere interface, occurring after atmospheric deposition (especially Saharan dust) in the Mediterranean Sea, and how these processes impact the functioning of the pelagic ecosystem. During the proposed 33 days cruise in the western and central Mediterranean Sea in May 2017, we will study the impact of atmospheric deposition on the cycles of chemical elements, on marine biogeochemical processes and fluxes, on marine aerosols emission and how ongoing changes will impact the functioning of Mediterranean Sea communities in the future. The cruise is designed to explore a variety of oligotrophic regimes. Combining in situ observations both in the atmosphere and the ocean, and in situ and minicosm-based on-board process studies, the 40 embarking scientists from atmosphere and ocean sciences will characterize the chemical, biological and physical/optical properties of both the atmosphere and the sea-surface microlayer, mixed layer and deeper waters. The PEACETIME strategy (season and cruise track) associated to a combination of dust transport forecasting tools and near real-time satellite remote sensing is designed to maximize the probability to catch a Saharan dust deposition event in a stratified water column in order to follow the associated processes in-situ. This coordinated multidisciplinary effort will allow us to fill the current weaknesses/lacks in our knowledge of atmospheric deposition impact in the ocean and feedbacks to the atmosphere in such oligotrophic systems. As a key joint-project between MERMEX and CHARMEX : The PEACETIME project comes in the scope of the regional multidisciplinaryprogramme MISTRALS (Mediterranean Integrated STudies at Regional And Local Scales ), which aims at predicting the evolution of this region following strong expected changes in climate and human pressures. In this framework, the PEACETIME project constitutes a key joint project between the ChArMEx (the Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment) and MERMEx (Marine Ecosystems Response in the Mediterranean Experiment) initiatives, enabling to gather communities of atmospheric chemists and marine biogeochemists around the common question of assessing the impact of atmospheric deposition on the marine biogeochemical processes and air-sea exchanges.

  • Since 2004, the Service facility SNAPO-CO2 (Service National d’Analyse des Paramètres Océaniques du CO2) housed by the LOCEAN laboratory (Paris, France) has been in charge for the analysis of Total Alkalinity (AT) and Total dissolved inorganic carbon (CT) of seawater samples on a series of cruises or ships of opportunity conducted in different regions in the frame of French projects. More than 44000 observations are synthetized in this work. Sampling was performed either from CTD-Rosette casts (Niskin bottles) or collected from the ship’s seawater supply (intake at about 5m depth). After completion of each cruise, discrete samples were returned back at LOCEAN laboratory and stored in a dark room at 4 °C before analysis generally within 2-3 months after sampling (sometimes within a week).  AT and CT were analyzed simultaneously by potentiometric titration using a closed cell (Edmond, 1970). Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) provided by Pr. A. Dickson (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, USA) were used to calibrate the measurements. The same instrumentation was used for underway measurements during OISO cruises ( and OISO AT-CT data for 1998-2018 in the South Indian Ocean added in this synthesis. The synthesis is organized in two files (one for Global ocean and the Coastal Zones, one for the Mediterranean Sea) with the same format: Cruise name, Ship name, day, month, year, hour, minute, second, latitude, longitude, depth, AT (µmol/kg), Flag-AT, CT (µmol/kg), Flag-CT, Temperature (°C), Flag-Temp, Salinity (PSU), Flag-Salinity, nsample/cruise, nsample on file, sampling method.