5e-5 dd
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The coastal topobathymetric DEM of Ré Island's surroundings, with a resolution of 0.00005° (~5 meters), was created by Shom as part of the HOMONIM-3 project. It covers the coast of the municipalities of Ars-en-Ré and Saint-Clément-des-Baleines, extending offshore to a depth of about 20 meters, to the west of the Phare des Baleines lighthouse. This DEM is designed for use in hydrodynamic models to enhance the modeling of coastal processes, particularly forecasting submersion risk. The product complements the coastal topobathymetric DEM of the Pertuis-Charentais, with a resolution of 0.0002° (~20 meters), and the bathymetric DEM of the Atlantic coast, with a resolution of 0.001° (~100 meters). It is available in the vertical reference of the Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) or the Mean Sea Level (MSL).